General ParentingActivities and EntertainmentWhen Should I Start Playing Peekaboo With My Baby?

When Should I Start Playing Peekaboo With My Baby?

The journey of an infant’s development is an enchanting exploration for both new parents and their little ones. One of the earliest and most cherished milestones in a child’s development is the introduction of games, and peekaboo stands out as a classic and timeless choice. In this blog post, I’ll explore the fascinating world of peekaboo, examining when babies typically learn to engage in this fun game and how it contributes to their social, cognitive, and emotional growth. This includes guidance on when and how to start playing peekaboo with your baby.

The Early Months: 0-3 Months

During the first three months of life after birth, babies are still adjusting to the world outside the womb. While their social skills are just beginning to blossom, the concept of object permanence—the understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of sight—is in its infancy. At this stage, babies are more focused on basic survival needs, such as feeding and sleeping.

Peekaboo may not be a game that very young babies actively participate in, but parents can still introduce it as a form of social interaction. Using a soft stuffed toy or even their own face, parents can play peekaboo by covering and uncovering their baby’s eyes. While the baby may not fully grasp the game’s nuances, the gentle interaction, coupled with funny faces and smiling expressions, helps in establishing a strong bond between parent and child.

Tummy time is an essential activity during these early months and not only aids in motor skill development but also presents opportunities for simple peekaboo games. This is a great time to capture the baby’s attention and make them laugh by revealing your face after a brief disappearance.

The Emergence of Awareness: 3-6 Months

As babies enter the 3-6 month age range, there is a noticeable shift in their cognitive development. This period often marks the onset of a baby’s understanding of object permanence. Peekaboo can now take on a more interactive role, as babies begin to anticipate the reappearance of their play partner or favourite stuffed toy.

Engaging in peekaboo during tummy time becomes an even more enjoyable activity. Babies may start following the peekaboo game with their eyes, showcasing improving visual tracking skills. Parents can experiment with different ways of playing peekaboo, introducing elements of surprise to stimulate the baby’s newfound awareness.

Building Strong Bonds: 6-9 Months

Between 6-9 months, peekaboo becomes a staple in a baby’s playtime repertoire. By now, babies have developed a more refined understanding of object permanence, making the game even more exciting for them. Their motor skills are advancing, allowing for more active participation in the peekaboo process.

At this stage, parents can play peekaboo using a favourite toy, reinforcing the baby’s object recognition abilities. The game becomes a great way to encourage the baby to use their own hands to engage with the world around them. This phase is crucial for strengthening the parent-child relationship, as the baby begins to form emotional bonds through shared laughter and happy faces.

Mother playing with her baby while showing a toy
Photo by RDNE Stock project / Pexels

The Joy of Surprise: 9-12 Months

As babies approach their first birthday, peekaboo takes on a whole new level of excitement. The element of surprise in peekaboo games continues to capture their attention, contributing significantly to cognitive abilities. Babies at this age often exhibit heightened curiosity and a desire to explore new things.

Parents can use simple words during peekaboo, saying “peekaboo” or “boo” when revealing their face or the stuffed toy. This not only aids in language development but also adds an educational dimension to the game. By now, babies may initiate their own version of this classic game, covering and uncovering their own eyes or playing peekaboo with their reflection in a mirror.

Developmental Benefits of Playing Peekaboo:

  1. Cognitive Development: Peekaboo engages a baby’s cognitive abilities by introducing the concept of object permanence and fostering an understanding that things exist even when out of sight. This early introduction to cognitive challenges lays the foundation for more complex learning in the future.
  2. Motor Skills: The physical aspect of peekaboo, involving the covering and uncovering of the face or the stuffed toy, contributes to the development of fine motor skills. As babies actively participate in the game, they refine their hand-eye coordination and grasp the rhythm of the game.
  3. Social Skills: The social interaction inherent in peekaboo helps babies develop their social skills from a very young age. Making eye contact, sharing laughter, and reacting to facial expressions during the game all contribute to the baby’s ability to engage with others.
  4. Emotional Bonding: The joyous moments shared during peekaboo create a special bond between parents and their babies. The game is a simple yet effective way to express love and affection, fostering a sense of security and trust in the parent-child relationship.
  5. Language Development: Incorporating simple words into peekaboo games aids in language development. Babies learn to associate words with actions, laying the groundwork for their expanding vocabulary.


Peekaboo, the classic game that has stood the test of time, holds a special place in the hearts of parents and babies alike. Starting as a gentle introduction to social interaction during the early months, it evolves into a dynamic and joyous activity that contributes to various aspects of a baby’s development. From building cognitive skills and motor coordination to nurturing social interaction and language development, peekaboo is more than just a fun game – it’s a simple yet highly valuable tool in a child’s developmental journey. So, the next time you play peekaboo with your little one, remember that you’re not just entertaining them; you’re actively contributing to their growth and creating lasting memories.

Further Links and Resources

Take a moment to watch this fantastic TED talk by Molly Wright (she’s one of the youngest people to ever deliver one) as she highlights the importance of playing games like peekaboo with babies. She begins the talk by asking, “What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?” Intriguing right?!

Here’s a link to some great ideas for other ways to play and have fun with young babies:

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